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Enable new GOOGLE BAR before release.....!!

First Post in the month of December...... :)
Before we had posted "A simple method to get the Youtube  new design before official release". Now Youtube's new design was officially released and many of the users are experiencing it....
Google is changing all its features in its websites like Youtube, Blogger, G+, Gmail and now finally it came to GOOGLE bar.
Google is going to release Google Bar, which allows you the ease of access... Just when u place mouse
on the "Google" at the top of the page, it will show some options like "gmail, News, Maps, etc 
U used to get these options in the top of the google or any other google related sites without this google bar !!
Now it has just kept all the options in a single icon !!
We are going to post you now "How to get this google bar before official release" !!
1) Firefox users download Cookies Manager+, and Chrome users Just download Edit This Cookie Extensions respectively.
2) Open or any of the google property.
3) Right click on any empty spot in that page an select "Edit site preferences".
4)  Naviate to the cookies tab. ((In Google chrome after right clikc you will get "Edit Cookies" option directly, Click on that).
5) Opera users have to perfom additional task of making browser agent as Firefox (From the network tab), because google unfairly blocks opera from having navigation to the new navigation bar.
6) Once you have figured out how to edit cookie values in your browser, change the following cookies to the specified values and refresh your page to see the new Google Bar.
Cookie Values:
1. Cookie Name :- PREF Value 
2. Cookie Name :- NID Value

And after these steps, click on "Submit Cookie Changes" in the bottom of the page.

If you want to do this without using any extension, you use the alternate method specified below. First you will need to open your browser’s developer console. Fire up Opera Dragonfly (Ctrl+Shift+I), Fireox Web Console (Ctrl+Shift+K), Internet Explorer Developer Tools (F12), or Chrome JavaScript console (Ctrl+Shift+J), and type the following code into the console.
document.cookie=”PREF=ID=03fd476a699d6487:U=88e8716486ff1e5d:FF=0:LD=en:CR=2:TM=1322688084:LM=1322688085:S=McEsyvcXKMiVfGds; path=/;”;window.location.reload();
Ensure that the domain value correctly represents the page that you are currently surfing (example for Gmail). Refresh the page to see the new navigation bar in action.
Checkout the video here :


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