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Phone Hacking Getting Easy – How to be Safe?

Technology is a boon as well as a bane. With increasing consumer awareness towards technology, it has become easier for the consumers to embrace the technical aspect of their devices and meddle with it. New age cell phones have developed quite a lot and they are extremely easy to handle. On the same front cell phone hacking has also become increasingly easy for various consumers. This can be a direct threat to everyone’s privacy.

Three Basic Phone Hacking Methods

The idea behind hacking a phone is obviously to get information regarding the conversations that the owner of the phone has over the phone. Now, hackers can hack in to the cell phone to get through to a live conversation. The might do it while you are still on the phone talking. Again, another popular cell phone hacking method is to get in to a person’s voicemail, which has stored voice messages and vital information.
1. Live Mobile Phone Hacking
Hacking in to a live mobile phone conversation is doubly hard for the hacker because they have to be extra careful to not let the people involved in the conversation detect the hacking. The hackers have to either get through to the service provider for your cell phones or they have to actually have an inside person in the cell phone service company to help them get in on live conversations. Seeing as this is a more complicated process, the chances of detection in this case is quite high.
2. Hacking Mobile Phones’ Voicemail
This method is relatively far too easy. Most voicemails have four digit passwords that are very simple to obtain. There are some really simple software programs available in the market with which any consumer can very easily crack the voicemail security password for any cell phone in the world.

Then there is the commercial software, known as spyware, which can be used to breach the privacy of some unsuspecting user. You can be tricked into downloading the spyware directly, or you can be fraudulently lured to a website that automatically inserts the code into your device. Spyware that can take copies of everything stored in the smartphone, log its location or even switch on its components, is easily available. The owner of the infected handset doesn’t even know that his own device is being used to spy on him. There is no dearth of games that have spyware buried inside them, and are capable of gathering more information than they should.
It is indeed a fact that while mobile phones and tablets have brought lot of ease to our lives, they have also made it easy for our privacy and security to be compromised. We do need to keep lot of information at our fingertips, but we should also take some necessary precautions. The PINs and the passwords must be changed regularly. And as much as possible, you should avoid downloading all kinds of free games and others apps from little known vendors. 
4.Bluetooth :

Bluetooth hacks are categorized broadly among 
Click the below link for more information on Bluetooth hack !!

Types Of Bluetooth Hacks And Its Security Issues

The Big Question – How to Avoid Mobile Phone Hacking

You have to understand that the hackers will target your security password first. You cannot expect to have simplistic or predictable password codes and still be 100% secure. Try choosing passwords that are quite unrelated to your person and random. Do not fall for simple scams where they ask you for personal information with claims of you winning some big amount. Remember, if it is too good to be true, then it probably is an illusion. Do not divulge personal information on websites or via text messages to unknown numbers.
However, your privacy is not the only thing that gets challenged by a phone hacking. Sometimes it can create confusion and miscommunication.


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