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Google Music is LIVE

The search giant has finally entered the cloud music arena by launching first invitation only public beta of their "Google Music" service, unfortunately the service is only available to US users but the limitation can be easily bypassed as shown after the jump along with Google Music features, beta invitation process and a video demonstration.

Google Music Beta Features :

  • Listen anywhere, even offline - You can get to your personal music collection at home or on the go. Listen from the web or any enabled device with the Music app available from Android Market. Not online? No problem. The songs you've recently played will automatically be available offline. You can also select the specific albums, artists and playlists you want to have available when you're not connected.
  • Stay in sync, without the hassle - Spend more time listening to your music and less time managing it. Once your music is online, it's always available. Playlists are automatically kept in sync, and you don't have to worry about cables, file transfers, or running out of storage space.
  • Your collection, now in one place - Upload your personal music collection to a single library, even if it's scattered across multiple computers. You can upload music files from any folder or add your iTunes® library and all of your playlists. And when you add new music to your computer, it can be automatically added to your music collection online.
  • Mix it up - Create your own custom playlists with just a few clicks. Or use Instant Mix to automatically build new playlists of songs from your collection that go great together. All the playlists you create and all the changes you make to them are automatically available everywhere your music is.
How to get an Google Music Beta invitation :

  • Goto Google Music Beta page and click "Request an Invitation >" button.
  • If you are not from US, you will be shown an error message as posted below - in this case continue using a US proxy site like to access the page.
  • Once the page loads-up Sign-in using your Google account credentials.
  • Confirm the request.
  • You will now be notified when your number comes for the invite.
Visit : Google Music World Tour


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