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Upcoming Changes in Facebook............!!

Till now we saw many changes in Facebook....!!
Many of them are even getting doubt that the people working in facebook don't have any work !! ;)
This became True again !! :P
Facebook is going to change some more featurs in it, which many of them will like these.....!! :)

 Regarding the changes in Facebook we had a meeting with Facebook designers on sunday i.e on 04/12/2011.
The first change is that 'See More' button will be changed to 'Continue Reading' for extra large posts ;)
That means, for large posts u will be seeying "see more" as usual, but for EXTRA LARGE POSTS, u will be seeying "continue reading" ;)
Problems In Facebook :
We also discussed about the problems in facebook profiles, etc.....
They also agreed that facebook is facing some problems such as "If we open some Images it will be coming that CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE" nd even also facebook messages are not going to one person to other...... they said that these problems are mainly due to heavy load on facebook !! they also promised that they r going to fix these problems as soon as possible !!
Dislike Feature in Facebook :
Many of our Blog readers has mailed about Dislike Feature in Facebook !!
So we also discussed about 'Dislike' Feature in Facebook......
For example, if we like ny pic, we will click on Like..... But if we Dosnt like it ? There is no Dislike feature in facebook till now !! So some users will like the pic if he like's it, nd he does the same thing evn if he dont like it also ;)

Many of them are most interested in Dislike feature in Facebook !! Facebook engineers said us that Due to dislike feature there will be some controversies in some cases, nd also in Facebook Pages, etc. For this reason there they had not kept Dislike feature till now !!
Regarding this feature, Facebook engineers said that they should have a meet among the board of directors...... And if all of them are in the favour of Dislike feature then they may keep that feature !! As many of the Facebook users are favour to the Dislike Feature, they may agree for this..........
So Facebook will be totally changed by this !! U may get a Dislike feature so soon !! :) :)
For some user, u may get a link that "Get your Dislike button Here". Dont clik on that, thats a Spam !! and that is also a type of Facebook hacking. Be carefull about this... Facebook never sends u a msg about "Dislike" !! It changes without informing facebook users !! ;) :) 
The above image is a SPAM about "Dislike" Feature in facebook. SO plz be careful guys !!
Subscribe Button For websites :
Many of the facebook users know about "Subscribe" button. Till now you saw Subscribe button for only User Profiles.
Facebook is trying to launch Subscribe button for wesites. The Vice president and managing director of Facebook Joanna Shields announced in the program Le Web in paris on Wednesday.
Many of them can get a doubt that what is the difference between Liking And Subscribing ?
Liking belongs to any facebook page.... i.e Only if the Page admin posts anything on the wall, then u will get that in your News Feed !! Subscribe for websites means u can get any updates from that website to your News Feed. Ex: Blog Posts in Blogger, Wordpress, etc !!

 It is not currently known which organisations will use the button or when it will launch.....
Will be updating some more information about facebook in our next post !! Keep blogging, keep visiting our blog !! :) :)
Enjoy Facebooking.......... :) :)
Njoy reading our Blog !!
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